5 Delicious Ice Cream Floats


5 Delicious Ice Cream Floats

5 Delicious Ice Cream Floats

Photo from commons.wikimedia.org

Root Beer Float Day is just around the corner, so to celebrate I decided to compile a list of 5 ice cream floats. None of these are in any particular order and each one has some fun facts that I have included. Here to start we have…

5. Coke Float

As the name would suggest, the coke float is your choice of ice cream with a nice can of coke. It’s a nice variation from a Root Beer Float. Especially if Root Beer isn’t really your thing. It might sound bland but you could mix up your float by using different flavors. Maybe try it with cherry coke and some chocolate ice cream?

4. Sherbert Cooler/ Slammer

This float usually consists of either orange or watermelon sherbet, seltzer water, and vanilla syrup. According to Wikipedia, it can also go by the alternate name “Slammer”.  This is a fun one to have if you like your floats more tart than sweet.

3. Snow White

This float combines 7 Up or Sprite with some classic vanilla ice cream. Apparently, it’s not clear who first came up with the idea but apparently, you can find them in some Asian Eateries. I like trying this one out with chocolate ice cream instead, but vanilla compliments it just as well.

2. Butterbeer

This one is for those Harry Potter fanatics.  Made with cream soda and butterscotch, you might argue that it doesn’t count as float, but with its creamy foam top, I would say this drink keeps to the spirit of a delicious creamy float.

1. Root Beer Float

This list would of course not be complete without the classic Root Beer Float. Fun fact, the founder of A&W Roy Allen started making and selling Root Beer for returning veterans from World War I.

To celebrate selling Root Beer Floats for over 100 years A&W is looking to give back to the men and women who serve our country and are encouraging their guest to as well. You can visit your local A&W to help donate cash or donate online at www.rootbeerfloatday.com.

Photo from commons.wikimedia.org

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_float, featured image by Jacob Dawson